Jun 29Liked by Ilobekemhen

Okay that first part was hilarious 😂, the steeze is essential! On my third (maybe fourth) return to the image, I noticed he circled back to the topic of open defecation with "our guy" now in white for some reason (overall colour balance I guess) .. so I guess it justified his choice to illustrate it that way.

The bit on escapism is relatable, I need to find the right ways to do that again (doom scrolling has been a common way for me lately 🥲).

I haven't tried K-drama out yet, but I've heard good things, and I think I'll enjoy them seeing how well I'm drawn to "The Korean Aesthetic". I think it's more versatile than I'm making it sound, but there's this side to it that leans on mild balanced—often pastel—colours, with an elegant touch of minimalism .. but there's also the vibrant traditional side to it that's equally neat (and all of this is informed by the fashion, interior decor, and comic illustration content my IG algorithm has thrown at me, my visit to the Korean Cultural Centre in Abuja, and my love for Sam Kim, Son Hyeeun, and Stella Jang's music).

Can't "promise" I'll try them soon though (I have a list of movies and series that's spilled over to 2027 😭, and the only way I'm clearing them out before 2026 is with a paid vacation 😂).

Anywayyy, I hope you find more time to enjoy your K-drama adventure, and I hope the rest of your year treats you well too✌🏽.

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LOL @ the first part. I cackled to myself while writing it. But I get your point.

Doom scrolling is the common way for people but to me it does more harm than good. I also don't want to spend too much on my phone.

I agree with you re: the Korean aesthetic.

Thanks for your kind wish! Enjoy the rest of your week!

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